Football: a spelling error appears in OL’s subscription campaign

OL’s new season begins with a bang. No, not in the field or on the recruitment side, but on the billboards of the city of Lyon. Since this Tuesday, June 27 morning, a promotional campaign opens subscriptions for the 2023-2024 season.

Nothing to complain about on the photo side, we see a man who proudly wears an OL tracksuit and points to the crest with envy. On the other hand, for the slogan, the marketing managers let slip a small spelling error. “So close to the field, that we feel like an assistant” is it written in white letters under a red and blue background. Many witnesses were quick to raise the shell on “ready” while “near” was expected to evoke the notion of proximity.

“Millions for a player, no budget for a Bescherelle,” quipped videographer Vincent Heidelberg, who posted the photo on Twitter before challenging OL ironically: “It doesn’t matter, it happens that you don’t reread each other before to print thousands of ads. “It’s not a pun, is it? or “Isn’t it done on purpose?” ask others. “So hardcore that I took the time to see it,” admits a follower. “They did the dictation of the Champs, I believe! another quips. “How can it pass frankly… They are still several in the com? Is there anyone who can see this obvious fault? “does not take off a last.


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