Draft 2023 | Rayan Rupert tested by the Jazz?

NBA Draft 2023 – Holder of the 9th, 16th choice and 28th choice in the first round of the Draft, the Utah club hardly communicates this season on the prospects it invites for “workouts” before the Draft.

Just over two weeks from the Draft 2023, the vagueness is total on the strategy of the Jazzyet holder of three choices in the first round (#9, #16 and #28), and therefore potential central player of the evening of June 22.

As explained Andy Larsen you Salt Lake Tribunethe leaders of the Utah franchise have decided this season to adopt a radical posture: to minimize communication around their pre-Daft process in order to keep the other teams in the dark, and thus avoid as much as possible being “stung”. a player they like.

As Rayan Rupert, For example ? According to the information of Jonathan Givony, of ESPN, who listened during the Draft Combine in Chicago, the French winger would be very selective as to the “workouts” in which he participates, and he would favor personal development in a competitive team, rather than the desire to be chosen as high as possible. Information that Basketball USA

is actually able to confirm.

A try for 16th place?

According to our information, Rayan Rupert has indeed, to date, only one “workout” programmed, with the Jazz, therefore. Certainly for their 16th choice, while the 9th choice seems too high to choose the French player, and the 28th choice too low. In Jonathan Givony’s latest mock draft, in which he takes into account the information he gathered at the Draft Combine, Rayan Rupert is chosen by the Warriors in 19th position.

Which therefore gives credibility to the possibility that Rayan Rupert is actually targeted by the Utah club in 16th position…

2023-06-05 12:15:00
#Draft #Rayan #Rupert #tested #Jazz


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