Dortmund uses the league competitor

  1. ruhr24
  2. BVB

Created: 06/03/2023, 05:15 am

Von: Catherine Kuepper

As soon as the season is over, BVB starts planning for the next one. In addition to a number of departures, everything now points to the first obligation.

Dortmund – The 2022/23 Bundesliga season is over. The pros from Borussia Dortmund still have to digest the narrowly missed championship. The boys have enough time for that during the summer break. However, the football business is not standing still and the course for the coming season is being set. The first BVB transfer is now bagged.

BVB transfer fixed: Dortmund uses the league competitor

Raphael Guerreiro’s departure is sealed. The player himself confirmed this on Instagram. In July 2016 he came to BVB from FC Lorient. After seven years it’s over. The Westphalians have already taken care of a replacement.

Ramy Bensebaini has been linked to a transfer to BVB several times. Now the Gladbacher’s change in the direction of Dortmund is apparently fixed.

BVB has apparently committed Ramy Bensebaini. © Eibner/Imago; Collage: RUHR24

BVB brings Ramy Bensebaini: Gladbacher comes on a free transfer

That wrote transfer expert Fabrizio Romano. Sport1 confirmed the information. As a result, the left-back is coming to the Ruhr area on a free transfer – his contract with Borussia Mönchengladbach expires in the summer – as the successor to Raphael Guerreiro.

According to the Italian journalist Romano, Ramy Bensebaini is said to have already completed the medical check in Dortmund. The official statement will follow shortly.

BVB are planning several squad changes: signing Benseabini is just the beginning

The 28-year-old would be the first signing of the black and yellow. Five departures are already fixed at BVB. In addition to Raphael Guerreiro, Anthony Modeste, Luca Unbehaun, Mo Dahoud and Felix Passlack are also leaving the club. A question mark remains behind Jude Bellingham – however, there are increasing indications of a departure for Real Madrid.

As the Ruhr news report, BVB is planning 10 to 15 squad changes in the coming season. In addition to the five departures, or six in the case of a Bellingham transfer, Ramy Bensebaini should be the first commitment from the black and yellow.

2023-06-03 07:01:34
#Dortmund #league #competitor


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