Domingo German Makes History with Perfect Game in MLB

Domingo German from the New York Yankees surprisingly managed an extremely rare “Perfect Game” in the North American professional baseball league MLB. When the record champions 11-0 at the Oakland A’s, the 30-year-old was the first pitcher from the Dominican Republic to not allow a hit (hit) from a batsman, he also did not cause a walk in which a player automatically missed the pitcher after four missed throws reached first base.

In the almost 150-year history of the MLB and in more than 235,000 games, it was only the 24th Perfect Game. The last one was thrown by Felix Hernandez of the Seattle Mariners in 2012.

Last week, in a loss to the Mariners, German allowed ten runs (points) in just four innings (periods of play). In May, he was banned from MLB for ten games because he used too much resin on his throwing hand to improve ball control.

2023-06-29 07:47:22
#MLB #MLB #Pitcher #German #gelingt #Perfect #Game


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