Deadline Looms for Roma as Outgoing Transfers Become Priority

There is less than a week left for the deadline set by UEFA to get back on balance with the budget and create a profit of 30 million in capital gains, which is why the outgoing market is the priority. After the sale of Benjamin Tahirovic all’Ajaxfor the sum of 8.5 million euros, everything is done for the passage of Justin Kluivert al Bournemouth. The player had an expiring contract with the Roma in 2024 and from his sale to the English club he will collect 11 million plus 1 bonus linked to appearances, precisely 500 thousand every 20 appearances, and to Cherries’ stay in the Premier League. The yellow and red company has also reserved 5% on the future resale of the Dutchman. Last year the redemption by Nice was skipped by a goal in the last minute, then with Fulham the matter of the work permit. This operation will guarantee Roma a capital gain of 7 million euros.

The other transfers
These are very hot days for Roma’s baby singers. Christian Volpato and Philip To the sender I’m one step away from wearing the shirt of Sassuolo in the next season. A meeting between the two companies is scheduled for next week to finalize the final details. The entourage of the Giallorossi number 62 has met the management of Sassuolo and Carnevali in recent days to find the right balance especially on the player’s salary. An amount close to 10 million euros will enter Roma’s coffers. The negotiation for Missori is also in the final phase: in the last few hours an agreement has been reached between the clubs and with the player’s entourage. The sale of the 2004 class will allow the Giallorossi to obtain a figure close to 3 million.
Also Carlos Perez is on the list of starters, the Giallorossi general manager is at work to start a negotiation. The footballer wants to return to the Celtic vigo – the club he played for this season – and the Spanish club itself wants to embrace him again, Roma value him at 8 million.

Inbound market
Thanks to the excellent work that the company is doing on the outgoing market, the incoming one could still offer important twists. The search for the center forward continues, the names in Tiago’s notebook Pinto there are many, but at the moment no negotiations have come to fruition except for the one for the former Sassuolo striker. At the moment the dialogue between Roma and West Ham for Scam has suffered a slowdown, this is because the Hammers have sent back to the sender the proposal for a dry loan or with the right without obligation, the English club would like to sell the player permanently due to the important amount they invested in the last summer transfer market session . One of the strengths in favor of the Giallorossi is Scamacca’s will, who together with his entourage are pressing to return to Trigoria. The track Morata it has not completely faded, but at the moment it remains only a hypothesis.
Among the many names associated with Rome there is also that of Tommaso Baldanzimidfielder born in 2003Empoli that this season has bewitched everyone. The Tuscan club values ​​him at 20 million, at the moment a simple suggestion. For the return of Llorente it’s just a matter of hours.

Renewal situation
After announcing Chris’ renewals Smalling e Bryan Cristanteonly the official one for Stephan is missing El Sharaawy: agreement reached until 2026 with an option for a third year upon reaching certain conditions.


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