British Referee Committee Condemns Attack of Roma Fans on Referee Anthony Taylor


The Premier League Referees Committee (PGMOL) condemned the attack by AS Roma supporters on referee Anthony Taylor. Taylor was battered after his leadership in the Europa League final.

The incident occurred at the Budapest airport, when Anthony Taylor and his family were about to return to England. At the airport, Taylor met a number of Roma supporters who then threw insults at him, tried to push him, and even tried to throw a chair at the referee’s entourage.

Taylor’s entourage was eventually secured in a room. But the sight of the attack drew a lot of criticism.

“PGMOL is aware that there are videos circulating on social media showing Anthony Taylor and his family being harassed and assaulted at Budapest airport,” said an official PGMOL statement.

“We are appalled by the disgusting and unjustified abuse directed at Anthony and his family as he tried to return home from refereeing the UEFA Europa League final.”

“We will continue to provide full support to Anthony and his family.”

Taylor was criticized by Roma supporters because he was considered one-sided when leading the Europa League final between Sevilla vs AS Roma. There are two decisions that are considered very controversial, namely the handball of the Sevilla player who was punished with a penalty and Erik Lamela’s potential red card.

The media highlighted the actions of Roma coach Jose Mourinho after the match, who was waiting for referee Anthony Taylor in the stadium parking lot to make his remarks. This action is considered to be one of the triggers for attacks by Roma supporters against Taylor.


2023-06-02 06:00:45
#British #Referee #Committee #Condemns #Attack #Roma #Fans #Referee #Anthony #Taylor


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