Bestial Sundays – Amazing mistake by Arsenal in the shirt that celebrates Wenger’s Invincibles

Oh yes, the month of is over too June: no more playoffs, no more tournaments, just macaroni omeletsdiscount beers and outside to be carried under the umbrellas waiting for some coach to delude himself into having some effect with “la preparation”. We apologize to those who have not managed to enter our column, despite their efforts, from coaches to presidents, from coaches to linesmen, from referees to sports judges: a big thanks for the effort made. We leave you with the last goodies from the fields, from the world and from Dibu: see you again in autumn.

I don’t win, no party. That’s what a footballer from the Ventinella in a youth tournament (triangular Juniores A2 Umbria), who got caught after the final three-match ban: “The player, expelled by the referee, at the end of the game provoked the players of the opposing team while they were celebrating, hitting one of them, without however causing him physical damage”.

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It is not enough Ceferin: in recent times many have targeted the black and white team, especially with chants. It happened to Politano and al Napolifined for chants against the bianconeri after the Scudetto, it happened at the wedding of Sticks (at first it was said that he had sung those choirs as well Churchfacts later denied by the manager), it happened to the European Athletics Championshipswhere during the awards he started from speakers a remodulated chorus on the song “It will be because I love you”, again against the Lady.

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Whether they are the last lines of Bestial Sundays it counts for little: on some topics there is no compromise. The fine from is very just 600 euro pinned to the Summacustoza 08First Category Veneto: “Because, at the end of the race, their supporters threw several glass and plastic bottles on the pitch”. They had to be separated: glass and plastic shouldn’t be thrown together.

L’Arsenal Of Arsène Wenger in 2004 he won 26 Premier League gamesdrawing 12 and thus winning the national title undefeated. Next season’s Gunners jersey should have been one celebration of that enterprise, with 38 symbols in the collar to indicate those matches of the “invincible”. Many enthusiastic fans have already bought the shirt… but found themselves 32 symbols instead of 38. The company has promised that it will reimburse the ago but perhaps they will find themselves a single piece in my hands thanks to this error.

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He’s having fun in his city, Mar de PlataDibu returned for the holidays: played a soccer stopping to take pictures and autograph shirts for the children, then all’autodromo for a race, by blocking the circuit and then playing a football tennis on the elastic springs, letting loose and having fun. And in many in Argentina they wear the celebratory shirt of the country’s most loved goalkeeper… and it’s not the one with the cup in hand.

2023-06-29 06:20:03
#Bestial #Sundays #Amazing #mistake #Arsenal #shirt #celebrates #Wengers #Invincibles


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