Bad’Oc Ossun Wins the Leisure Interclub Championship: A Rising Force in Badminton

At the beginning of the year, the Bad’Oc Ossun (BADminton OCcitanie) presented itself to the Ossunois through our newspaper. Always discreet and in a family approach, this association is already on an upward path… in the results. Last season, she participated in the 32-65 interclub and leisure championship (Gers-Hautes-Pyrénées) and, this season 2022/2023, she renewed her commitment.

To reach the final stages of this championship, the first place in pool was essential. Never mind, the badistes ossunois took up the challenge and, to the detriment of the clubs of Lannemezan, Tournay, Trie and Argelès-Gazost, they ranked first in their group, out of the 8 meetings, the Bad’Oc did not only lost one. It is therefore without complex that the players of Ossun appeared in the final of the championship on June 11, 2023 in Eauze (32). The matches of the day saw the 2 men’s doubles teams win all their matches, the women’s doubles only faltered against Eauze and the mixed doubles only lost against Mirande. With 6 matches won out of 8, the Ossunois won the leisure interclub championship 32-65 season 2022/2023. First title of leisure interclub champion 32/65 for Bad’Oc Ossun only 6 years after the creation of the club.

Congratulations to all for the attendance at training and for the seriousness with which you wear the colors of Ossunoises. It seems that Brice Leverdez, 9 times champion of France and currently 4th French badminton player, will put the racket back in its case in a few months… any opportunity? Of course the road will be long but you never know?

Good off-season rest take advantage of this time of grace: next season will be tough, all the clubs in the Hautes-Pyrénées claiming your succession will be waiting for you.

Want to join this club? Call Mrs. Virginie Guezet on 06 59 44 04 82 or, on the Facebook page: badminton Ossun-Bad ‘Oc, you will find more information.

2023-06-26 03:21:00
#Happy #BadOc #Season


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