Aaron Rodgers’ Journey with Ayahuasca: How it Has Impacted His Success and NFL Career

Aaron Rodgers is not only the player to watch for the 2023 season of the NFL after his arrival at the New York Jets, but he has also become a kind of voice in favor of the consumption of psychedelic substances, since he considers that in his case, the consumption of ayahuasca has helped him achieve better performance in recent years.

Rodgers has shared that in 2019, After making a trip to South America, he consumed ayahuasca, which is a drink prepared with a combination of some elements extracted from hallucinogenic plants. The main component is dimethyltrptamine, known as DMT, present in plants such as Psychotria viridis, Diplopterys cabrerana. Gustavo Cerati also made this trip and after his experience he shaped the song called ‘Raiz’.

Aaron Rodgers’ success is due to… ayahuasca?

In that same year, Aaron Rodgers had a fabulous season and was chosen the MVP of the season in 2020 and 2021, for which Rodgers has been approached by several athletes to learn about his experience. The quarterback has indicated that his success in recent years is directly related to the consumption of ayahuasca.

Aaron Rodgers during the conference in Colorado / Getty Images

“You know, it’s going to be hard to write me off because, you know, the year before I had 26 touchdowns, four interceptions. We had a good season. Ayahuasca, 48 touchdowns, five interceptions, MVP. You’ll say?”indicated the now player of the Jets, at a conference on psychedelics in Denver, Colorado.

On May 9, 2019, Denver decriminalized the use of psychedelics and the On November 11, 2022, decriminalization became widespread at the state level in Colorado. Along with Oregon, these are the two states that are leading the way for decriminalization, under certain regulations, and Aaron Rodgers has become something of a spokesperson.

Aaron Rodgers invites more athletes and critics

This does not mean that the consumption of psychedelic substances is normal like having a drink on the street. although already It is not a crime in states like Colorado and Orlando, Yes, it remains a federal crime, this means that its consumption is not allowed in federal areas of these states, in addition, the regulations allow it to people over 21 years of age, under supervision and control, so for now no consumption or use recreational.

Aaron Rodgers will play for the Jets / Getty Images

In the case of ayahuasca, there are several recommendations, so that not everyone can consume it. For example, there are contraindications for people with diabetes, kidney problems, multiple sclerosis, ALSneither in people under treatment or consumption of antidepressants, pregnant and/or lactating women.

Thus, Aaron Rodgers assures that high performance athletes are indicated for the consumption of psychedelic substances, but he also recommended them to people who have criticized him so much for his way of life.

Before deciding to leave the Green Bay Packers, Rodgers made a four-day dark retreat, for which he has been the object of ridicule and it is precisely to those people who make fun of him that he makes the main invitation, such time to change your mind. “They are the perfect people for it. We need these people to take it.”

Isn’t it ironic that the things that really expand your mind are illegal? And the things that keep you in the lower chakras and make you groggy have been legal for centuries? said Rodgers at that conference, according con The Guardian.

How will Aaron Rodgers fare on the Jets and ayahuasca?

2023-06-25 20:04:22
#Aaron #Rodgers #success #career #due #ayahuasca


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