A 15-year-old teenager rescued from the “Kamb Souff” backwater

This Sunday a body of a 15-year-old teenager was fished out of the “Kamb Souff” backwater in the town of Diourbel. This site is a former sand extraction quarry.

« It was precisely at 5:08 p.m. that our emergency services were alerted to a person drowned in a backwater located in Kamb souff “, informs Captain Ndary Ndour, reports Aps
Before continuing with: Arrived on the scene at 5:17 p.m. (…), the emergency services, after obtaining information from the witnesses, immediately began the search operations. It was at 9:40 p.m. that the 15-year-old male victim was rescued dead. »

→ READ ALSO: Richard Toll: Two bodies of teenagers fished out of the CSS channel

The rescuer invited the authorities to proceed with the marking of the places and the installation of the tables with mention prohibition of bathing to prevent the population from frequenting these places.

→ READ ALSO: Diourbel: The prefect prohibits the Yewwi march scheduled for Thursday

→ READ ALSO: Court of Diourbel: Babacar Sarr de Pastef placed under arrest warrant


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