170 teams will participate in the Ciudad de Santa Marta International Basketball Tournament

Sport is once again the protagonist this weekend in Santa Marta de Tormes, a town that hosts the XVII City of Santa Marta International Basketball Tournament on Saturday and Sunday. In this competition -which is already on its way to coming of age- 170 teams will participate, playing 169 games in two play areas with five courts each.

Specifically, the tournament includes the prebenjamín, benjamín, alevín, infantil and cadet categories, both feminine and masculine as well as mixed, and the teams that will participate will be from different cities of Castilla y León -such as Zamora, León and Ávila-, as well as from Salamanca capital and province, from municipalities such as Cabrerizos, Carbajosa, Béjar, Villares de la Reina, Peñaranda and Doñinos.

The matches will be played on ten courts distributed in two play areas: mini basketball, for the prebenjamín, benjamín and juvenile categories -both on the courts and in the Miguel Hernández School pavilion- and basketball -for children and cadets- in the ‘Fay’ pavilion, on the Las Nieves track, in El Frontón and in the IES el Calisto y Melibea.

Around 2,200 players from different cities are expected to participate in the XVII City of Santa Marta International Basketball Tournament, to which must be added the parents and relatives who come to watch the tournament, figures that give an approximate idea of ​​the importance of the tournament. The matches will be held on Saturday, June 3, from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (time set for the last match), and on Sunday, June 4, from 09:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. .

In addition to the matches that will be played on the 10 game courts, there will be different leisure areas set up for eating and drinking, spaces with inflatable games for the little ones and a roulette wheel with countless prizes.

qualified referees

Thanks to the collaboration of the Salamanca Basketball Delegation and the Referees Committee, the XVII City of Santa Marta International Basketball Tournament will have qualified referees in all matches. In addition, an ambulance will ensure the health of the participants and companions at all times.

«Once again we celebrate a tournament that is already a benchmark in the field of basketball and that beyond sports -which is a constant commitment of this City Council- it is also a meeting that promotes tourism in the town with a significant increase in visits to our establishments. I also want to highlight that this year we will have fifty volunteers, including fathers, mothers, coaches and friends, who will make it possible for everything to work perfectly during the event”, explained Silvia González, acting Councilor for Sports.

2023-06-01 22:09:10
#teams #participate #Ciudad #Santa #Marta #International #Basketball #Tournament


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