[Women’s Judo Promotion Committee]JJ Voice No. 122 Ms. Keiko Kojima

Keiko Kozai (maiden name: Magome) 1983 Born in Shiga Prefecture
Nurse (Working at a hospital in Shiga Prefecture)
Kodokan Judo Women’s 3rd Dan

Major achievements
2001 National High School Contest 78kg Super Third Place
2004 All Japan Student Weight Classification Contest 78kg Super Winner
2006, 2007 Business team individual championship 2 consecutive victories
2005, 2006, Kodokan Cup 78kg super third place

Hello everyone. My name is Keiko Obuse.
Last time, I received the baton from Miyoko Yuda (maiden name: Otomo). I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak about myself. Miyoko-senpai is a senior in high school. I started judo in high school, so I learned a lot from my seniors and learned a lot from them.

One week after I entered Kusatsu High School, the judo club advisors, Mr. Hirase and Mr. Ishibashi, came to my house to persuade me to start judo.
It was the first time when I was told during the talk, “If you compare it to a jewel, it’s a rough stone. His father told him, “If you’re going to do the same thing, you should start from the beginning. When I first started judo, it was easily thrown by lightweight athletes. During my judo practice, I had Mr. Hirase guide me every step of the way. Also, I had a lot of practice with the men’s members. Thanks to that, I was able to place 3rd in the All-Japan High School Women’s Judo Championships over 78kg category. I participated in the competition as a white belt, so I think I had an impact at the time. After she graduated from high school, she wanted to go to nursing school and become a nurse. However, Hirase sensei said, “You can always become a nurse. But judo competition life is limited, so it’s better for her to continue judo now.” She eventually went on to study at Tokai University, a judo school. At first, I was puzzled by the change from “practicing what I was taught” in high school to “thinking and doing judo” in college. On the mental side, by practicing in a blessed environment with many top players, I naturally became more aware of my goals, such as “I want to win the student tournament” and “I want to win the All Japan tournament”. As a result, I was able to win the All Japan Junior Championship and the All Japan Student Individual Championship. In addition, I was able to participate in many all-Japan competitions and leave results. After graduating from university, she returned to Shiga and joined the social welfare corporation Honobonokai Special Nursing Home Fureai. She was indebted to her work for three years while wearing two pairs of straw sandals mainly for clerical work and judo. She again had Hirase-sensei teach her judo. Securing her practice space may not have been a good environment compared to her college days. However, thanks to the support, cooperation and support of many people, I was able to win the Business Individual Championships for the second time in a row. Also, I was able to win the Canadian international tournament.

Through judo, I was able to participate in many competitions, and I was able to go to many places. But the most important thing is that I have met many people through judo, which is my own property and treasure. I have been a judo player for 10 years. It may seem like a long time, but it is short, but I am proud that I was able to lead a more fulfilling judo life than most people.

At the age of 25, I decided to pursue my dream of becoming a nurse. After three years of nursing school life, she became a long-sought nurse at the age of 29, and this year marks her 12th year. Nursing that I value in nursing practice is “time to interact with patients”. I believe that facing each patient in front of me and cherishing every moment leads to “awareness” and “caring for the patient.” In addition, I always think about things from the patient’s point of view, build relationships with them without hesitation, and work together with them to think about their own way of life. In my case, I took a detour to become a nurse. Now, from the bottom of my heart, I am truly glad that I was able to meet the sport of judo.

Last year, I was blessed with a connection through judo and got married. As my way of thinking and lifestyle change, I feel that I am living with the support of my family.

From now on, I hope that I will always have a sense of gratitude and be able to bloom the flowers of my own color in my one and only life. Don’t give up and try to do something hard. I believe that you can always make your own flowers bloom. Let’s work hard together.

2001-High School Championships
2004-All Japan Student Judo Championships by Weight Category

Next time, Naomi Komaki, a classmate of Tokai University, will appear.

2023-05-23 01:02:42
#Womens #Judo #Promotion #CommitteeJJ #Voice #Keiko #Kojima


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