With the III Duque de Riánsares Trophy a new season of Outdoor Archery begins in Tarancón

Archers and archers from different clubs such as Arcomadrid, Aljaba, Valdemoro, Arco Imperial, Moratalaz, Alcalá de Júcar, Arco-cuenca, Las Lomas and Tarancón, met in the first test of the outdoor Archery season, organized by the Tarancón Archery School directed by Josi María Párraga Villanueva and held at the Municipal Stadium of the city.

More than twenty, some and some with national experiences in this discipline, on a sunny morning with a light wind in the III Duque de Riansares Trophy. With José Luis Córdoba Moreno de Judge, referee of the shot at 36 arrows and a distance of 60 to 30 meters, depending on the category and bow used.

After the shooting outdoors, in the mini archery pavilion, the Trophies were awarded to the first three in each category, it is true, that in some of them the podium was not completed. The celebration of communions and patron saint festivities in some municipalities left the participation somewhat lower than what is usual in outdoor runs.

The first classified were:

Composite Archery category veterans. 1st Angela Garcia Salgado of Arcomadrid with 656 points and 26 gold, second, Jose Luis Garcia Salgado of Valdemoro, 651 points,25 gold.

Mixed traditional bow, first Antonio Mendieta del Aljaba, 418 points one gold, second Pilar Robles de Moratalaz, 221 points, 1 gold

Novel Mixed Recurve Bow, first Daniel Pulgar Romero, 460 points from Águila Imperial, 2nd Laura Ewing Ferrer, 429 points, Moratalaz, 31 Ynde Rafael Albornoz 414 points, from Tarancón.

Recurve Bow, Alevín category, only Arturo González Vistillas was classified, 445 points. From Tarancon.

Recurve bow Senior male category, 1st Óscar Pérez Serrano Aljaba, 575 points, 9 golds, 2nd Javier Arenas Donado 501 points, 7 golds from Aljaba, 3rd Manuel Álvarez Ortiz 402 points, 4 golds, from Alcalá del Júcar.

Cadet Recorvo Bow. Female, Lucia Grande Blanco is classified with 324 gold chicks.

Men’s Veterans Recurve Bow, 1st Ramón Montero de Francisco 600 points, 11 golds, 2nd Vicente López Pastor Valdemoro 575 points, 8 golds, from the same team as the winner, 3rd Anselmo Pulgar Moraleda, Águila Imperial 550 points, 10 golds. Local José María Párraga Villanueva was in fourth position with 535 points and 6 golds and Carlos Cubells from Cuenca fifth with 512 points and 7 golds from Arco Cuenca.

In the Mixed Long Bow arc, first with 585 points, Moratalaz from Madrid, Mariano Sevillano Borrega with 6 golds, 2nd Alfredo Serrano Soria de las Lomas, third María Juliana Jaén Lorenzo with 437 points, 4 goals


2023-05-24 09:19:40
#III #Duque #Riánsares #Trophy #season #Outdoor #Archery #begins #Tarancón


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