When do Yankees vs Dodgers play? MLB game schedule 2023

Editorial Seventh entry

NY / 24.05.2023 17:05:34

Two of the most followed clubs in the entire Major League Baseball (MLB) meet again during this Season 2023 when Los Angeles Dodgers meet the New York Yankees during a three-game series in what could be one of the most anticipated series in the entire calendar of the Big leagues.

The great rivalry of the Major Leagues

Both clubs developed a fierce rivalry from 1941 when the Dodgers were founded in Brooklyn while the Yankees had their residence in The Bronxboth locations in NY.

In addition to the location that divided the preference of one of the most important cities in the United States, the sports rivalry became even stronger that same year when they met for the first time in a World Series, the first of eleven times in which the faces would be seen to define the champion of the Big leagues. No matchup has been repeated more times in the World Seriesalthough the last time was in 1981 when Fernando Valenzuela lifted Los Angeles by winning the first of four games in a row while trailing 0-2.

The Yankees measured up to the Dodgers by winning five straight crowns between 1941 and 1953. Two years later, the Dodgers won their first Fall Classic against the Yankees, the only one they won playing in Brooklyn before moving to Los Angeles in 1958.

Other than the World Series, these two clubs didn’t see each other in regular season games until 2004. However, the distribution of interleague play only saw them play 16 games against each other, the most recent in 2019.

For this 2023, the Major League Baseball commissioner’s office implemented a calendar of balanced games in which all the teams will face each other at least once, so the rivalry between Yankees vs Dodgerstwo of the franchises that spend the most in The majorsit will turn on again this 2023 with three games in the Dodger Stadium.

When do Dodgers vs Yankees play this 2023?

  • Friday June 2, 2023: 7:10 PM in Los Angeles
  • Saturday June 3, 2023: 4:15 PM in Los Angeles
  • Sunday June 4, 2023: 4:10 PM in Los Angeles

2023-05-24 23:21:10
#Yankees #Dodgers #play #MLB #game #schedule


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