Urgent In Cameroon: Angèle, 16, Disappeared Without A Trace

With heavy hearts, we are making an urgent appeal to the community to help find Bonie Glissine Angèle, a 16-year-old girl who has been missing since May 14, 2023 in Douala.

Introducing Angela

Angèle, a lively teenager, lives in the Bonaberi district, more precisely in Bonendale, in the lively city of Douala. This beloved young girl is missing, leaving behind a troubled and shocked community.

The circumstances of his disappearance

Angèle was last seen around 5 p.m. on May 14, 2023. Since then, she has not given any sign of life. His loved ones are distraught, and the lack of information on his current whereabouts only intensifies their anguish.

A call for solidarity

We ask all Cameroonians, here in Douala and everywhere else, to help us in our efforts to find Angèle. If you have any information or think you have seen it, please contact the following numbers: 699231623, 672235992, or 693959230.

Hope never dies

In these difficult times, we remember that hope is the last to die. Together, with everyone’s help, we are confident that we will find Angèle safe and sound.


Yannick Eko, 237online.com

For more information on this case and other important news, be sure to check our site 237online.com, your reliable news source in Cameroon.

2023-05-29 00:36:17
#Urgent #Cameroon #Angèle #Disappeared #Trace


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