Transitional Provision for the homologation of Level 2 Court Umpires

Given the need to provide the Territorial Federations with Level 2 referees to meet the organization requirements of official events in which this figure is necessary, the CNAB, together with the Training Area and the Events Area, has developed the Transitory Provision on the current Training Plan for the approval of Level 2 Court Umpires. This transitory provision was approved on May 20 by the Board of Directors and the Delegate Commission.

Therefore, Level 1 Court Referees interested in acquiring the next level must meet the criteria established in said transitory provision and must make the request by email to the address cnab@badminton.eseither individually or through their Territorial Federation.

The deadline for receiving applications ends on June 4 and the document can be consulted IN THIS LINK.

2023-05-23 09:03:38
#Transitional #Provision #homologation #Level #Court #Umpires


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