Tour of Italy 2023 | Pedersen conquers Naples in a dizzying sprint


Act. a las 18:01


The Danish cyclist prevailed in the massive arrival of the sixth stage of the Giro d’Italia after engulfing the peloton to the two escapees on the finish line

the danish cyclist Mads Pedersen (Trek-Segafredo) won the sixth stage of the Giro d’Italia this Thursday, starting and finishing in Naples and 162 kilometers long, in a disputed and fast-paced sprint tras the peloton hunt the escaped duo (Simon Clarke and Alessandro De Marchi) at just 200 meters from the finish line.

It was a calmer day than the previous stage, although with several punctures at the start from the Neapolitan city, where Mads Pedersen arrived first who achieved, with this victory, his ‘triplet’ in the three Grand Tours (Tour, Vuelta and Giro).

A victory with suspense, due to the fact of hunting down the fugitive duo formed by Simon Clarke (Israel-Premier Tech) y Alessandro DeMarchi (Team Jayco AlUla) -survivors of a major breakaway formed almost at the beginning of the stage- almost on the line. And also for having to overcome rivals like Jonathan Milan (Bahrain-Victorious), leader of the regularity, or Pascal Ackermann (UAE Team Emirates), second and third.

Norwegian Andreas Leknessund remains leader (Team DSM), who had no problem retaining the ‘pink jersey’. The Slovenian did have mishaps Primoz Roglic (Jumbo-Visma), who crashed in the final stretch, or the British Geraint Thomas (INEOS Grenadiers), with mechanical problems. They both returned to the large group on time.

2023-05-11 16:22:05
#Tour #Italy #Pedersen #conquers #Naples #dizzying #sprint


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