The University of León hosts a judo training

The facilities of the University of León were the setting chosen by the Kyoto Club of León and the Blume Club of Ponferrada to hold training sessions with wrestlers belonging to the discipline of both entities from León.

In this way, more than a hundred young judokas had the opportunity to meet and train on the university tatami in León.

Invited by Luis Santos, a judo professor at the Faculty of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences, more than a hundred young wrestlers from the Blume de Ponferrada and Kyoto de León Clubs gathered to participate in a day that between games, randoris and combats delighted the young fry, who had the opportunity to get to know various units of the University of León.

As is customary in all the preparatory sessions carried out throughout the year by the members of both clubs from León, the judokas involved gave their best throughout the training, listening to the instructions of the people involved and their coaches to continue to improve on the next occasions in which they have to intervene before the end of the season to continue showing the good level that they usually exhibit in the tournaments that participate.

2023-05-10 01:46:55
#University #León #hosts #judo #training


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