The ideal meal for a footballer

As in any high-level sport, nutrition occupies an essential and decisive place in the preparation of the footballer. Whether before, during and after training or a match, it optimizes performance and recovery. Indeed, it plays a key role in maintaining and improving the player’s abilities, both physically and mentally.

The importance of eating well in football

Nutrition influences the state of form of a footballer, and therefore his sports performance. Moreover, bookmakers offering sport bets pay particular attention to this parameter when establishing their forecasts to offer to their punters. A player who is not in good shape due to an unbalanced diet risks causing the defeat of his team. A healthy and balanced diet provides the body with the energy it needs during training and matches. In addition, it reduces the risk of injury and recovery time.

Eating healthy and balanced for a footballer means giving priority to unprocessed foods. For example, it is preferable to taste a steak rather than a cordon bleu. It also involves getting as close to the ideal meal as possible most of the time. For example, over a week, he must take at least 12 ideal meals against 2 free meals to be spaced out.

Essential foods to prevent deficiencies

A footballer’s diet should include essential foods. The objective is twofold: to fill up with energy and to prevent possible deficiencies. It also contributes to the reduction of fat mass. As a reminder, a professional football player consumes an average of 3,000 calories per day. The ideal meal consists of 55% carbohydrates, 30% fat and 15% protein.

Among the essential foods that must be present on the footballer’s plate are meat, fish and eggs. It is essential to diversify the sources. To these foods are added fresh and organic vegetables and fruits. They can be eaten raw, cooked, etc. During intensive training, the amount of starch is to increase. Then, depending on hunger, it is possible to add dairy products.

Follow the seasons and effectively manage the off-season

Throughout the year, the footballer must eat healthy and balanced. Two rules of three must be observed. The first concerns the composition of the plate: a third of meat or fish, a third of vegetables and a third of starchy foods with a ban on refilling. The second relates to the frequency. It is recommended to eat three meals a day: morning, noon and evening.

It is strictly forbidden to skip breakfast. On the contrary, it must be a real complete meal without overdoing it. For example, the footballer can take organic wholemeal bread with unsalted butter and honey, as well as a dairy product and a fruit or natural fruit juice. Finally, good hydration is essential to prevent the decline of physical abilities.


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