The Gospel according to Iceta – The penultimate living Raulista

On April 23, and in statements to the newspaper Sport, The Minister of Culture and Sports, Miquel Iceta, said that he did not follow the Negreira case very closely and, as if that were not enough, he dared to quote the Gospel according to Saint John, specifically verse 7 of chapter 8 , which refers to the episode of the adulterous woman. Our Lord Jesus Christ says the following about Mary Magdalene: “He who is without sin among you is the first to throw a stone at her”. Iceta, who knows nothing about culture and even less about sports, is not the man to quote the New Testament correctly, adds in his interview, I already said that by misquoting Saint John, that “whoever is free from sin should shoot The first rock”. He quotes it wrong and interprets it worse, which is not so strange coming from a socialist, because Jesus does not care about sin, he is not telling Mary that nothing is wrong, to go on with her life doing whatever she wants. What Jesus does, who is by the way the only one who has true authority to condemn the woman, is to forgive her. Jesus, as I have read, does not deny the law of Moses, but with his forgiveness, a new era begins, it supposes a change, a fracture in the life of Mary, a before and after.

Misinterpreted therefore the Gospel According to Saint John and, with regard to Barçagate, applied worse. Because, although he is a son of God, Iceta is quite far from being Our Lord Jesus Christ and when he says that he who is free from sin should cast the first stone, what he is actually doing is suggesting that all the football clubs have paid the vice president arbitration or, failing that, encourage them, if they have not done so, to do so as soon as possible in order to seek neutrality, which is what Negreira says that Barça was looking for by paying him the 7.3 million euros. Differences between Jesus Christ and the Minister of Culture and Sport in addition to the obvious ones? Well, Our Lord was not encouraging the crime or taking pleasure in the sin but, from his privileged position since he is the Son of God, he was forgiving Mary. What, however, Iceta does is exactly the opposite: although without providing any information, he intuits that everyone has paid, covers up the scandal or moderates it and, as I said, calls on the other clubs to do the same. Because, furthermore, after hearing these delusional statements by the minister, no president came out to say “listen, I am free of sin, I never paid, I can demand that responsibilities be cleared up”, the general silence can suggest that indeed Iceta, that he will know something, has information, which he does not provide, about the fact that others have done the same. and they can say that Freixa or Masfurroll but, and even less without any proof, the minister can say it. His thing is resignation but we already know that nobody leaves here unless it is through a door that turns in all directions.

The Gospel according to Saint John says one thing whereas the Gospel according to Iceta says quite another, says “hair to the sea”, says “let’s forget this insignificant anecdote”, says “if I told you…” And it may be that all these things that the Gospel says about the minister have to do with the fact that he was born in Barcelona, ​​he belongs to the PSC since 1978 and is a regular at the Camp Nou box. What Iceta says, and it’s something terrible that it hasn’t caught anyone’s attention, is that we start from scratch, that he turns a blind eye and that we all dance to the rhythm of Queen’s “Don’t stop me now”, like he did at the start of the 2015 electoral campaign. They say that this is the ideal song to feel good. The lyrics are as follows: “I’m going to have a really good time tonight. I feel alive. And I’ll turn the world upside down, yeah! I’m floating in ecstasy. So don’t stop me now, don’t stop me.” That’s what the Gospel according to Iceta suggests clubs do, turn the world upside down, float, have fun and feel alive. And pay the vice president of the Technical Committee of Referees. Nobody will stop them, and even less this government that wants Barçagate to fade like the Tito Berni scandal did, the ERE or the law of only yes is yes. Paraphrasing the great Freddie Mercury, let’s be like a racing car passing by, like Lady Godiva. Like a shooting star leaping across the sky. Like a rocket headed for Mars on a collision course. Let’s break the law but do it happily. Let’s be complicit but enjoy Finally, let’s make our cape a tunic but like an atomic bomb about to explode. Is it or is it not to change nationality? Is it or is it not disgusting and disgusting? It is. So… everyone let’s dance !

2023-05-01 17:03:47
#Gospel #Iceta #penultimate #living #Raulista


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