The Cuban Consul visits the Bari Warriors Baseball Club

Awarded the top player Erik Hernandez Vazquez

A diplomatic delegation of the Republic of Cuba, led by the Cuban consul in Rome Arasay D’Angelo Pereira, visited the BC BARI WARRIORS on the Noicattaro field during the weekly training to reward Erik A great joy for the Manager Enzo Serino and the rest of the team for recognition of the Cuban athlete.

The Cuban diplomatic corps and the administration of the municipality of Noicattaro represented by councilor Innamorato have also signed a twinning relationship with the legendary team of Industrial Havana (where Erik also played), not only for sporting reasons but also for intercultural and tourist reasons.

The ceremony was held with all team members (juniors, seniors, amateurs) in uniform. Very exciting listening to the national anthem of Cuba and Italy.

During the brief ceremony, the twentieth anniversary of the association CubAqui – Oficina de Via Italia Cuba NGO, chaired by Natalino Fioreand there was talk of the traditional friendship between the two peoples, of twinning and of the historical, cultural and social ties between the two communities.

The console Arasay D’Angelo Pereira was very happy – who immediately perceived the Cuban spirit among the people and wanted to thank the Cubaqui association, which was able to best interpret the values ​​of Cuban culture and the whole BC Bari Warriors community for the hospitality.

The next day Erik and other Cuban athletes were welcomed at Palazzo di Città by the Councilor for Cultures of the Municipality of Bari, Ines Pierucci and by the president of the Municipality I, Lorenzo Leonetti.

John Rocco Ferrara

2023-05-06 18:13:28
#Cuban #Consul #visits #Bari #Warriors #Baseball #Club


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