The brain drain –

He european basketball has been doomed for a long time to lose its talents, which sooner or later, with few exceptions, put heading to the nba. The big teams already have assumed that this is the case. Sometimes it comes to get some sports income from them, as happened to the Real Madrid con Luka Doncic, Usman Garuba y Nikola Mirotico al Barça con Alex Abrines and Leandro Bolmaro, to cite a handful of examples, but other times they disappear with hardly any performance. The economic issue is another story. The compensation for training rights they are almost testimonial, so the only formula that the clubs have to get some compensation is through a powerful termination clause. This was the case in those cases cited and in some others.

Now the problem has grown, because young people are flying to the United States earlier and earlierby having other greedy previous alternatives such as the ncaathe university league of a lifetime; la Overtimeanother springboard to the elite, or even la G League, the developmental league relaunched by the NBA. In the first case, the change in legislation implemented two years ago that allows athletes, formerly amateurs, to charge image rights, has added a magnet for European pearls. Spain has not gotten rid of that brain drain. In Overtime he already has two courses Be Almansa, one of the two national centers with the most future. the other is Candidate Marawho wants to take a similar path to the NCAA with UCLA, a prestigious university. His decision, however, has opened a conflict with his club, Zaragoza, due to discrepancies about his clause and about his professionalism. However it ended, and it looks like it won’t end amicably, Mara is another example of the young squirting that precipitate his departure to the USAand that includes women’s basketballwithout leaving its mark on Europe and, in some cases, neither an economic benefit to their trainers.

2023-05-31 19:41:19
#brain #drain


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