The bomb rumor that Gareca’s environment let go in the midst of the crisis in Vélez

The return of Ricardo Gareca a Velez it was not as dreamed by either party. Since his return, Fortín has only won one game out of nine and has 16 points in 15 dates. This led to an unpleasant situation in the Olympic Village, where the barrabrava showed up to squeeze the players. However, that would not be the only factor that could blow up the Tiger cycle.

According to journalist Ramita Boz, gareca could take a step aside in Liniers, but nothing would have to do with the bad football present: “The rumor that circulates in Velez of a possible departure of Ricardo Gareca is true. In the last days things happened that the Tiger did not like at all. People who get into where they shouldn’t, and I’m not saying it because of the entry of The Gang into the Olympic Village. It’s an election year…” he reported on his Twitter account.


2023-05-14 01:04:06
#bomb #rumor #Garecas #environment #midst #crisis #Vélez


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