Tension cooled (Tagezeitung Junge Welt)

Rarely has it been so exciting in the top two leagues with two games to go: who will be champions, who will be promoted, who will be relegated? What had been fabricated in recent years: There was talk of a terribly boring Bundesliga, or rampant disinterest, because everyone knew beforehand how it would end. Not so this year. The vast majority of fans, like me, have become dissatisfied with the »Product Sky« farewell, but fortunately the good old radio conference remains, one thought. After all, it was a tradition that the last two match days were played at the same time. The reasonable reason: fair competition. No team should know before kick-off how they have to play in order to achieve their goals. But not so this year. Since the last season and up until the 2024/2025 season, games have only been played at the same time on the last day of the game. The reason for this is the marketing of the television rights. Mammon has once again triumphed over the sportingly fair competition and its excitement. After all, there is more money, even if the penultimate matchday is divided into three. And so it doesn’t just matter to the German football league, but also to most clubs as long as it doesn’t matter what the sporting fairness is like until they are affected themselves. I can already hear the whining when the immediate competitor gains advantages and one misses one’s own sporting goals.

So it will only be on the last day of the game with the complete radio broadcast. Thanks to the ongoing commercialization.

»Sport free!« from the fan advocate.


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