Supplements and sports drinks: which ones to choose and when to use them

Supplements are now found in every race, and fill the shelves of supermarkets as well as sporting goods stores: the sport drink they are now inseparable companions of every amateur athlete even if we often don’t know exactly what we’re drinking. In fact, are we sure that we are drinking exactly what our body needs when it is engaged in physical effort, in hot weather or not, and therefore with abundant or normal sweating? We asked the doctor Sarah Cordara, sports nutrition and integration expert and collaborator of the Sports Medicine Center of the Faculty of Motor Sciences of the University of Turin.

What supplements to drink when playing sports

“For workouts that last less than an hour, it is not necessary to resort to a supplement: water is enough,” says the expert. “On the other hand, when you go over the hour, it can make sense to drink sports drinks. The important thing is to know that with perspiration, above all chlorine and sodium are lostand among those on the market it would be good to choose hydro-saline supplements that can really restore these two salts”.

here are the ideal values ​​of a hydro-saline supplementto be compared with the label of those on the market:

  • Sodium (Na) = 600 / 1000 milligrams per litre
  • Cloro (Cl) = 600 / 1000 milligrams per litre
  • Potassium (K) = 50 / 250 milligrams per litre
  • Magnesio (Mg) = 10 / 100 milligrams per litre
  • Calcium (Ca) = 50 / 200 milligrams per litre

Here you can read the difference between isotonic, hypotonic and hypertonic sports drinks and how to recognize them and when to use them for your workouts. And when in doubt, know that supplements are neither drugs nor doping and yet even drinking too much when playing sports can pose some risk.
Photo by Juliano Ferreira from Pexels

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2023-05-24 12:07:52
#Supplements #sports #drinks #choose


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