Strong attack by a French newspaper on Messi for his trip to Saudi Arabia: the supposed anger of the coaching staff and the PSG squad

The strong cover of the French newspaper L’equipe against Lionel Messi for his trip to Saudi Arabia

“The mess Messi”. This was the title chosen by the French newspaper The team to graph an alleged anger of the coaching staff and the team of the PSG con Lionel Messi. “The day after the defeat against Lorient, the Argentine missed training to go to Saudi Arabia without having the agreement of the squad ”they added in a strong cover.

In the article it is mentioned that the coach Christophe Galtier and his body of work “They had explained to the Parisian players that they would only have the right to two days off (Monday and Tuesday) in the event of a win against Lorient.” The idea that they train on Monday and have Tuesday off was for “avoid going abroad” especially after the criticism for the photos of “some players giving the impression of being on vacation” after the pass in the four days of rest granted.

For this reason, the club awaited the presence of the Argentine in the Lodge Campwhere Galtier He referred to the new disappointment and asked the team for a greater commitment. It is worth remembering that the coach had been very critical after last Sunday’s 3-1 match at the stadium Princes Park.

“A speech that Lionel Messi could not hear. While his teammates listened to his coach, the Argentine arrived in Riyadh, almost 6,000 kilometers from Paris. He was waiting for the Parisian star there for two days as part of his contract with the Saudi Arabian tourism office. A trip planned before the defeat on Sunday, and that could not be rescheduled. On two occasions, Messi had to cancel this trip after disappointing results for the clubespecially after the defeat in the round of 16 against Bayern Munich (0-1, 0-2, February 14 and March 8)”.

The message of the Minister of Tourism of Saudi Arabia before the arrival of Lionel Messi

Although the article The team clarifies that the Argentine had prior permission to travel to the Middle East, even after two cancellations with the corresponding notice to PSG, they also warn that the same “did not have the agreement of either Christophe Galtier or Luis Campos (sports director) after the modification of the training schedule”.

In another section of the note it is mentioned that the trip was “impossible to postpone this time because the season of high temperatures in Saudi Arabia is approaching”. However, at the same time he details that Messi’s absence “gave a lot to talk about, especially with Some players that they were surprised by such a move.”

“Luis Campos and the Parisian squad no longer liked the fact of having to go to Riyadh as part of a friendly match against a team made up of the best players in the local Championship last January”, they recalled about that meeting. friendly that faced Cristiano Ronaldo.

“Contacted Monday night, PSG’s communication did not deny or confirm that the player had not obtained authorization before leaving. This episode occurs when the future of Lionel Messi remains unclear”, they close an article that is extremely controversial, since PSG, the absolute leader of Ligue 1 with a difference of five units over Olympique de Marseille, will only play again on next Sunday against Troyes as a visitor.

Keep reading:

Messi’s lightning trip with his family to Saudi Arabia after PSG’s defeat
Messi’s biographer gave the reasons why he believes that his possible return to Barcelona “looks very bad”
Messi’s “slap” effect against a Lorient player in the PSG match that went viral

2023-05-02 00:19:31
#Strong #attack #French #newspaper #Messi #trip #Saudi #Arabia #supposed #anger #coaching #staff #PSG #squad


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