Spain already has a decalogue for athletes with disabilities to enter Olympic federations before 2026


The National Commission for Inclusive Sports of the Spanish Sports Association (Adesp) released this Monday a decalogue of good practices in order to achieve the full integration of athletes with disabilities in single-sports federations -mostly Olympic- before 2026 .

The document includes a good number of aspects related to financing, accessibility, transfers from the current sports federations for people with disabilities to unidadeportivas, material, technology and support personnel for athletes with disabilities or inclusive language, among others, according to the adesp.

This work with the key lines of inclusion is already in the hands of the Spanish sports federations and will be made available to the central government, the autonomous communities and the autonomous federations to serve as a road map in the task of full integration indicated the new regulatory framework established in the Sports Law.

“We have worked on a decalogue that serves as an itinerary for all the entities involved in this transformation of our sports system. The objective is to achieve full integration into Spanish sport and we believe that this is a good basis”, according to José Hidalgo, president of Adesp.

The National Commission for Inclusive Sports is made up of 11 Spanish federations (cycling, swimming, winter sports, table tennis, badminton, triathlon, sports for the deaf, sports for people with physical disabilities, people with intellectual disabilities, people with cerebral palsy and acquired brain damage and for the blind), two autonomous communities through their General Sports Directorates (Extremadura and Murcia), the Sanitas Foundation and the Spanish Paralympic Committee (CPE) and Adesp.


The decalogue states that any integration process must be agreed between the sports federation for people with disabilities that transfers the sport and the federation that receives it, and that the integration process must be understood as a desired process and not imposed by regulations.

In addition, any federative integration process must be reflected in a transfer agreement detailing all aspects of the process: dates, transfer of technicians, federative licenses, selection of athletes, organization of competitions, eligibility criteria and functional classifications. , sports initiation and sports development, training of technicians, promotion of the new modality, etc.

Likewise, a mechanism must be established to face the financing of the integration processes, consigning specific budgets and finalists for the activity of people with disabilities. Both the Higher Sports Council (CSD) and the general sports directorates of the autonomous communities should allocate budgets for these federative integration processes in a stable manner over time.

The decalogue emphasizes that there must be a harmonization between the state federative integration model with respect to that of the autonomous communities, so that the integration processes that take place in the Spanish federations must be reproduced in the corresponding autonomous federations, taking into account the particularities of the current structures of the regional sports federations of people with disabilities.

The future role that the entity or entities inheriting the current Spanish sports federations for people with disabilities must also have a clear determination when they have transferred their sports modalities. This new role must be made clear at the state and regional levels.


The federations that integrate sports modalities for people with disabilities must consider measures to eliminate barriers that make integration and inclusion in sport impossible: the high cost of specific sports equipment for people with disabilities, the lack of accessibility in facilities, the training of sports technicians in the sports modalities for people with disabilities or support staff for sports practice for people with severe disabilities, as well as the availability of support athletes for people with visual disabilities, such as athletics, triathlon, ski guides, tandem pilots , soccer goalkeepers for the blind, etc.

In addition, the federations that integrate sports modalities for people with disabilities will implement measures to guarantee the representation of these people in the governing bodies of the federation.

The federations that integrate the sport practiced by people with disabilities must promote the continuous training of the technicians and coaches of the respective modality so that they have sufficient training to incorporate athletes with disabilities in their respective fields, preferably with an inclusive approach.

The federation that integrates a sports modality for people with disabilities will use inclusive language in all its terminology. It is suggested to use the recommendations of the Spanish Paralympic Committee (CPE) and the current Sports Law in this regard.

Finally, the sports federations will undertake dissemination and communication actions at the internal and external levels with which to value the objectives and results of the sports integration processes and the great contribution they make to the final goal of achieving the full inclusion of people with disabilities in society.

(SERVICE)22-MAY-2023 13:26 (GMT +2)MGR/clc

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2023-05-22 11:35:59
#Spain #decalogue #athletes #disabilities #enter #Olympic #federations


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