Shein Billionaire Dismisses Investing in Brazilian Teams | metropolises

Bolivian Marcelo Claure is passionate about football and owns several clubs around the world

20/05/2023 7:00, updated 05/20/2023 7:02

Bolivian billionaire Marcelo Claure, chairman of the board for Latin America at the Chinese fast fashion website Shein, is a guy who likes football and invests in football. He currently has shares in Bolivar, from Bolivia, in Girona, from Spain, and is a partner of the City Football Group, which manages teams like Manchester City and New York FC and even Bahia.

The powerful Shein brand is entering Brazil and Marcelo Claure, interviewed by Veja magazine this week, was provoked by reporter Felipe Mendes about the possibility of investing in Brazilian teams. But the rich Bolivian was more than slippery in his response:

“I’m very happy with my team, Bolívar, from Bolivia, who are going through a great moment in the Copa Libertadores… Brazil is a country that, in recent years, has always been improving. And football was not very transparent. It is excellent to realize that finally Brazilian clubs can be bought by companies”, he said.

Later, he continued to quibble, without ever admitting interest in investing in Brazilian clubs:

“Traditionally, Brazil’s problem was just exporting natural resources, so to speak. The Brazilian player was always bought at a very low price for European football. Now, with this new model for Brazilian football, a large amount of transactions will be done in Brazil. When you have a good league, many players prefer to stay on the market and you can make money with football. It is the path the country wants to follow. In Bolivia it is very difficult to invest, but it is where I come from, it is my homeland ”, he added.

In short: here in Brazil he just wants to sell his products online. Football is out of the plans.

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2023-05-20 10:00:00
#Shein #Billionaire #Dismisses #Investing #Brazilian #Teams #metropolises


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