Shares of Grupo México Transporte fall after expropriation of roads – El Sol de México

The shares of Grupo México Transporte fell sharply on Friday, after the federal government announced that a railway section operated by one of its subsidiaries in the southeast of the country was declared of public utility.

The titles of Grupo México Transportes fell 3.83 percent to 39.71 pesos. For its part, the papers of its parent company, Grupo México, fell 4.25 percent to 80.21 pesos.

Benjamín Álvarez Juárez, manager of stock market analysis at Ci Banco, assured that the fall in the shares of these two mining companies is due to the expropriation of some railways belonging to Ferromex.

“Today the president (López Obrador) announced by decree the appropriation of some railways operated by Ferramex, which is a subsidiary of Grupo México, and this situation is what originates or implied the sharp drop in these actions,” he said.

He added that the big problem is not only the part that they are trying to expropriate, “the big problem is that another controversial decision could come at any moment, in which not only is this part of the Mexican southeast expropriated, but it can go for other sections that this company also operates”.

2023-05-19 22:17:20
#Shares #Grupo #México #Transporte #fall #expropriation #roads #Sol #México


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