Sergio Llull, top scorer in the history of Real Madrid in the win against Gran Canaria in the quarterfinals | Sports

Real Madrid player Sergio Llull.Daniel González (EFE)

Sergio Llull’s golden week does not stop. Seven days ago he scored the decisive basket against Olympiacos for Real Madrid to win their eleventh Euroleague and this Sunday, at the start of the playoff of the ACB League, he became the white team’s top scorer. The record was held by Felipe Reyes, with 6,017 points, and Mahón’s reached 6,027. The mark was surpassed with a triple in the final stretch of the second quarter against Gran Canaria (the Merengue team made it 1-0 in the series with a comfortable 95-68). Behind them are José Biriukov (5,311), Alberto Herreros (4,615), Jaycee Carroll (4,258), Juan Antonio Corbalán (3,645), Louis Bullock (3,445) and Fernando Martín (3,311). Minutes later, with his second triple, Llull reached 900 baskets from three.

The match, beyond Llull’s level, hardly had a plot. The canaries only held out for seven minutes, until Sergio Rodríguez directed the winning inertia of his team. Until 11-9 (m. 8), the game remained even, with Guerschon Yabusele failing and with Dzanan Musa almost the exclusive Real Madrid scorer. Later, the nothing or almost nothing of the islanders.

The end of the first quarter was 22-13, after a 11-4 run, and the worst was yet to come for the visitors, because it took them 6m 15s to score their first basket in the second act. They received a 19-0 run and a 30-6 run in less than nine minutes. The 51-25 turned the rest of the morning into a formal affair until the final 95-68. This Wednesday, second game in Gran Canaria.

Real Madrid, 95 – Gran Canaria, 68

Real Madrid (22+29+19+25): Williams-Goss (5), Hanga (3), Tavares (6), Yabusele (8) and Musa (20) – starting five – Causeur (5), Randolph (3) , Rudy Fernandez (3), Hezonja (9), Sergio Rodriguez (11), Llull (16) and Ndiaye (6).

Dreamland Gran Canaria (13+12+22+21): Balcerowski (15), Slaughter (10), Albicy (2), Brussino (2) and Shurna (3) -starting five-, Inglis (15), Kljajic (0), Benite (13), Saved (2), Diop (2) and Nikolic (4).

Referees: Fernando Calatrava, Jorge Martinez, Joaquin Garcia. No deleted.

Sport’s palace (WiZink Center) of Madrid. 7,558 viewers.

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2023-05-28 13:04:18
#Sergio #Llull #top #scorer #history #Real #Madrid #win #Gran #Canaria #quarterfinals #Sports


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