Sampdoria sale, Radrizzani: ‘Ferrero refuses the offer but we go ahead’

Massimo Ferrero has rejected the offer to buy the club presented by Gestio Capital and Aser Group. “An incomprehensible no that jeopardizes the immediate future of the club, but that does not stop the will of Matteo Manfredi and Andrea Radrizzani to pursue the goal of giving Sampdoria a bright future”. Matteo Manfredi and Andrea Radrizzani say so. According to rumors the offer made to the Rosan Trust which controls Sampdoria shares is less than 30 million while the request is around 33 to guarantee two composition procedures. Manfredi and Radrizzani continue to speak with the Trust and hope to arrive at a positive solution by tonight, when the shareholders’ meeting will take place. At that time it could be decided to start the capital increase anyway (the two financiers have 35 million ready) in a forced manner and this could pave the way for appeals by the owners. Manfredi and Radrizzani have been working for days to define the team’s squad and identify a high-profile coach. At the same time, assessments are underway for the definition of an internal structure characterized by an international management. The two confirm “the presence of Qatar Sports Investments (PSG) in the operation and that alongside Gestio Capital and Aser Group there are reliable, competent and extraordinarily solid partners”

Sampdoria, today Board of Directors and shareholders’ meeting

The two managers would implement the capital increase through Across Fiduciaria which recently acquired a hundred shares from the small shareholder Andrea Gais. “The agreement that we have defined with the Sampdoria board of directors – underlines Matteo Manfredi, Principal and Founder of Gestio Capital – foresees a exclusivity and was also achieved thanks to the close collaboration with various minority shareholders. This demonstrates a broad consensus regarding the proposal. The capital necessary to conclude the operation is already available. Our commitment is to guarantee the financial stability of the club and in particular, to protect the interests of creditors with an eye to those of small dimensions” Manfredi adds: “This offering represents a major departure from the previous ownership and certifies a clear desire to preserve Sampdoria’s coat of arms and tradition. Our plan, which envisages serious and sustainable growth, is already being drawn up and we are setting up our work by planning investments such as to allow the club to return to the levels of excellence it deserves, but time is very, very limited.” It is essential to act quickly – explains Andrea Radrizzani, Chairman and Founder of Aser Group – since every day of waiting involves delays and the consequent danger of penalties for the club. Sampdoria risks suffering a loss of points or even not being entered in the competitions. Therefore, it is imperative that all parties involved focus on the common goal of securing a strong future for the club. We are truly sorry and annoyed that our offer has been exploited to satisfy the needs of others or to reopen negotiating tables. We want to underline that we have worked tirelessly, in a discreet and respectful way for the management and the team, to ensure the continuity of this club. Our commitment is guided by the passion for football and the desire to bring positive results. There is deep pride in making our experience and our reputation available, having chosen to invest and put our face in Genoa”

1970-01-01 00:00:00
#Sampdoria #sale #Radrizzani #Ferrero #refuses #offer #ahead


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