Sabitzer has “no contact” with Bayern coach Tuchel

Sabitzer has “no contact” with Bayern coach Tuchel

According to his own statement, ÖFB team player Marcel Sabitzer has not yet had a conversation with Bayern coach Thomas Tuchel about the time after his loan at Manchester United ended at the end of the season. “Of course there hasn’t been any contact up to now, because they have a lot going on and we do too,” said the 29-year-old.

APA/AFP/Paul Ellis

“Everyone is focused on their task. In which direction it will go, we will analyze and discuss everything at our leisure,” emphasized Sabitzer, who switched to ManUnited in the English Premier League in January on loan from Bayern, where he was only rarely part of the starting XI. The rental business ends at the end of June.

Move to England “absolutely the right decision”

From a distance, the midfielder is also following the title race in the German Bundesliga, he currently sees Bayern at an advantage over pursuers Borussia Dortmund. “There is so much routine in the dressing room at Bayern, they know exactly what is at stake. They can’t take that anymore,” said Sabitzer. “That’s why I’m convinced that Bayern will bring the thing home.”

However, Sabitzer has not regretted his decision to move to England. It was “absolutely the right decision”, he “enjoyed every day here” and was “very proud to be part of Manchester United”. Compared to his previous positions in Munich and at RB Leipzig and Red Bull Salzburg, “everything is bigger here,” he said: “People are crazy about Manchester United. You can feel at Old Trafford how excited they are about the club.”


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