Rookie the Golden Retriever interrupts the baseball game and no one complains (VIDEO)

For one reason or another, dogs are always the most loved protagonists on the web. They combine all sorts of things, and more and more our society actively involves them in various activities. In fact, it is not new to find furry mascots who, with their sympathy, manage to make everything more and more cheerful and fun. In a video that has depopulated the web, we can see Rookie il Golden Retriever, who interrupted a baseball game, seized with euphoria. However, no one complained about the intrusion of him, and today everyone loves him more than before.

Rookie the Golden Retriever hilariously interrupted a baseball game in the Minor League held at Buffalo, New York. This furry lovable is tasked with catching bats for the Trenton Thunder, but apparently his exhilaration was too great that day. Indeed, we can see him enter the field and start running happily among the players, who all took it quietly.

During the game between The Buffalo Bisons and the Lehigh Valley IronPigs, something suddenly interrupted all the players. Rookie, instead of taking bats, decided to take a stroll around the field, happily starting to run among the players. Probably he wanted to attract everyone’s attention, proud of his important role for the company.

The video, shared on Twitter from Minor League Baseball, it shows the furry one who suddenly takes the field and starts trotting everywhere. Later, he returns to “base”, happy to have shown everyone his beauty and the importance of him. The video quickly went viral on the platform, making thousands of users around the world smile.

“He got a little emotional during his Sahlen Field debut“, you can read in the caption of the video. However, with his meddling he captured the hearts of thousands of users, who complimented him on how cute he is.

2023-05-20 19:12:10
#Rookie #Golden #Retriever #interrupts #baseball #game #complains #VIDEO


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