Ribe Badminton Club’s U15 became Danish Team Champion at the weekend after a terrific season

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Text: Johnny Tauman Photo: Privat
1. maj 2023

Badminton at its best…playing team matches. There are victories, defeats, fighting spirit, team spirit, fighting and total communal joy when everything comes together as a whole. It happened yesterday for the U15 team from Ribe Badminton Club, says Janni Weiss Fenn to RYK IND RIBE, who praises the players as deserved Danish team champion.

Same players in all matches

The U15 team with the same 4 players throughout the season – Go to Klaaby, Mikkel Nielsen, Oliver T. Hansen and Hjalte Tychsen – have been undefeated throughout the team tournament with 13 points down to number one in their pool.

Nerve wrecking

The semi-final against Køge ended 3-3 and had to be decided by the Golden Set, which was won by Mikkel and Hjalte with 21-17….very exciting.
The final was against Tarup Pårup, which was very close with 3 games decided in the 3rd set.
Hjalte won 23-21 in the decisive match, so the result was 4-2 to Ribe.
Wildly unnerving.

Secure wins in preliminary matches

And just for the record, it should be mentioned that in Saturday’s matches they beat Århus AB 6-0 and KBK (Copenhagen Badminton Club) 4-2 in the opening pool matches.

team leader, Camilla Hansen, states that the team has fun together. They laugh a lot, coach each other and are just super cool. They fight to the end and have a good amount of self-confidence :). They have shown that fighting spirit throughout the season, and it was great to follow their journey to now calling themselves Danish team champion.
Ribe Badminton Club celebrates the team on Thursday at 19:00 in the Leisure Centre,


2023-05-01 08:52:40
#Ribe #Badminton #Clubs #U15 #Danish #Team #Champion #weekend #terrific #season


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