reported the owner of a restaurant in Perugia

The agents of the State Police of Perugia, following a call to the Single Emergency Number, intervened at a commercial establishment in via Campo di Marte for an ongoing dispute.

The operators, who arrived on site, made contact with the parties involved, three women and the owner of the place in question who, after being identified, were heard about the incident to reconstruct the dynamics of the facts.

The applicant – identified as a foreign citizen of Romanian origin, born in 1978 – told the agents that, together with her friends, she had been verbally attacked and then threatened with a baseball bat by the owner of the business, who, not liking the his presence in the room, had invited her to leave.

The policemen then heard the owner of the public business – identified as a foreign citizen of Chinese origin, born in 1992 – who, for his part, denied having threatened the women, reporting that he had invited them to leave their premises as people dedicated to to keep harassing attitudes and, for these reasons, you don’t like them.

The investigations by the agents of the Flying Squad made it possible to find inside the club, located right behind the counter, a baseball bat corresponding to the description provided by the woman and whose possession the owner was unable to provide plausible reasons for.

Once all the investigations had been completed and verified that none of the parties needed the intervention of 118 personnel, the agents referred the man to the Judicial Authority for the crime of serious and aggravated threats; the baseball bat, however, was confiscated.

2023-05-12 13:46:33
#reported #owner #restaurant #Perugia


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