Reimond Manco signs for a club in the United States and will play a millionaire tournament VIDEO | trcm | SPORTS

You will live the American dream. Reimond Manco is once again considered at the international level. After playing a tough season in the Liga 2 Today it is a reason for joy for his followers who found out today that the most famous ‘Jotita’ has a new challenge ahead of him after being confirmed as a new addition to the Jackson TN Boomand become one of the South American references of the squad that will seek a millionaire prize in the TST 7V7a famous soccer tournament 7.

The new ‘Rei’ team will train and have all its logistics in North Carolinaas far as it has to go two weeks before June, the date on which the first games of this famous championship would begin.

Through its social networks, the club has expressed its satisfaction with the incorporation of the skilful 32-year-old midfielder into its ranks. Where other elements have also been recorded such as, Julian CharriezIgor Rezende, Víctor Reyes, Briamst Castro, Walter Smith and Carlos Leyv, who was also a professional soccer player.

The ‘Rei’ goes for a million dollars

The Peruvian will have to overcome a great challenge because Jackson TN Boom also announced that in their fixture they will have to face three tough rivals such as Sneaky Fox FC , Zala FFF, Team Dempseybeing considered one of the toughest groups in the competition.

Happy to announce the Reimond Manco like our first international signing for Jackson, TN Boom, who will be competing in the million dollar prize pool at the TST World Championship”, shared the American box.

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Reimond Manco He will have to travel next week to join a physical conditioning, which will allow him to reach his debut in his best athletic form in the TSN 7V7 that will be played from June 1.

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2023-05-09 13:00:11
#Reimond #Manco #signs #club #United #States #play #millionaire #tournament #VIDEO #trcm #SPORTS


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