Rafa Nadal, low in the Rome Masters | Sports

Rafa Nadal will not be at the Rome Masters either. The Spanish tennis player announced this Friday through his Twitter account that he will be out of the tournament that takes place between May 8 and 14, 2023. Injured to the iliopsoas in his left leg since January 18, the winner of 22 grandes will therefore miss his eighth tournament this season.

“I am very sorry to announce that I will not be able to be in Rome. You all know how much it hurts me to miss another one of the tournaments that have marked my professional and personal career for all the love and support of the Italian tifosi. Despite having noticed an improvement in recent days, there have been many months without having been able to train at a high level and the readaptation process has its times and I have no choice but to accept them and continue working”, declared Nadal.

[Noticia de última hora. Habrá actualización en breve]

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2023-05-05 15:46:43
#Rafa #Nadal #Rome #Masters #Sports


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