Race 2 Grosseto-San Marino 2-4 • newsrimini.it

Coming back, with character and firmness. San Marino Baseball also wins game 2 at Jannella and goes on to two victories in the series that opens the Poule Scudetto. In Grosseto it ends 4-2 for the Italian Champions, with Di Raffaele winning pitcher and Dudley Leonora’s great batting contribution (3/4 and a home run).

THE CHRONICLE. Bsc is the best to start, scoring at the first attack. On Piccini the defense makes and unmakes, arriving in first on an error and then caught stealing in second. However, Grosseto shows great incisiveness in the box and scores 1-0 with singles from Diaz and Rodriguez.

On the 2nd San Marino wastes with two on base (Rosales in double play), on the 3rd instead comes the draw. The 1-1 was generated by Ferrini’s sacrifice sprint, after Epifano had arrived in second on doubles and in third on Pulzetti’s sprint. The inning continues with the guests filling the bases, but no more runs arrive.

In the 4th minute the tie is broken by Dudley Leonora’s solo-homer (2-1), with the extension materializing in the same attack thanks to valid hits by Rosales and Batista (3-1).

In the 4th (Di Raffaele) and 5th (1st inning by Peluso), San Marino doesn’t risk. On the 6th yes. Rodriguez (base ball) and Scull (double) are in point position, with the further change on the San Marino mountain that materializes immediately (Garbella for Peluso). Bäckström is the first man and immediately turns a valid left: Rodriguez scores (2-3), with Grosseto who immediately tries to impact the race of Cappuccini, pinch runner for Scull, eliminated however at home.

The Big Mat remains at 2 and at 7th the Titans extend again. They do it thanks to Lino’s double and Celli’s single, with the 4-2 which is also the final result. In fact, in the lower part, Nicola Garbella does not allow arrivals on base. San Marino wins.


SAN MARINO: Batista ed (1/3), Ferrini 3b (0/3), Angle 2b (0/3), Lino Dh (2/3), Celli EC (1/3), D. Leonora 1b (3/3). 4), Rosales R (1/3), Epifanos Ss (1/2), Pulzetti (Di Fabio) S (0/3).

GROSSETO: Piccini 1b (0/4), Diaz 3b (1/3), Rodriguez ss (1/2), Scull (Cappuccini) es (1/3), Bäckström r (1/2), Cinelli ed (1/ 3), Pasquini ec (0/3), Luciani (Milli 0/1) 2b (0/2), Function dh (1/3).

SAN MARINO: 001 200 1 = 4 bv 9 e 3
GROSSETO: 100 001 0 = 2 bv 6 and 1

LANCIATORI: Di Raffaele (W) rl 4, bvc 2, bb 1, so 4, pgl 0; Fluff (r) rl 1.1, bvc 2, bb 1, so 1, pgl 1; Garbella (S) rl 1.2, bvc 2, bb 0, so 2, pgl 0; Sireus (i) rl 2.2, bvc 2, bb 3, so 1, pgl 1; Artitzu (L) rl 4.1, bvc 7, bb 1, so 6, pgl 3.

NOTES: home run by D. Leonora (1p. at 4th); doubles of Lino (1), Epifano (1) and Scull (1).

2023-05-27 19:27:14
#Race #GrossetoSan #Marino #newsrimini.it


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