Qatar’s big decision to replace Galtier

While the question of the next PSG coach must be decided, Qatar is dreaming big to replace Christophe Galtier.

There are only a few weeks left in the crazy season of PSG which, despite all the tensions and controversies, has a good chance of ending with an eleventh title of champion of France. But that will not be enough to satisfy the supporters, the players and the management at the end of a season considered a failure and which will lead to a new major project with in particular an important question: who to replace Christophe Galtier?

While the name of José Mourinho is circulating, the Team takes stock of the other current file: Thiago Motta. According to the daily, the former PSG player who shines in Serie A on the Bologna bench would feel ready for the Parisian bench. Problem, if Nasser Al-Khelaïfi keeps his former player in high esteem, his candidacy raises some doubts, in particular the cohabitation with Luis Campos and especially the central question: who will choose the next coach?

Qatar wants more prestigious than Thiago Motta

For the daily, if it is Doha which decides, Thiago Motta is not the favorite. Because the Qataris are once again dreaming big. “Some are pushing to snatch an even more prestigious name”, assures the Team about the Qatari owners, without mentioning a name. Thiago Motta not big enough to satisfy Qatar? This does not prevent the Italian from being coveted. Still according to the team, Nice and more specifically Jean-Claude Blanc, new executive director of Ineos Sport and former PSG, would seriously think of him in the event that Didier Digard would not be maintained.

2023-05-12 06:01:49
#Qatars #big #decision #replace #Galtier


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