Puerto Rico will play a friendly with the Dominican Republic before the Basketball World Cup

This content was published on May 03, 2023 – 22:16

San Juan, May 3 (EFE).- Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic will play a friendly match to prepare for the men’s World Cup of the International Basketball Federation (FIBA).

This was reported at a press conference this Wednesday by the president of the Puerto Rico Basketball Federation (Fbpur), Yum Ramos, and the president of the Dominican Basketball Federation, Rafael Uribe.

The friendly game will be held on August 4 at the Coliseo de Puerto Rico José Miguel Agrelot, in San Juan.

“We are going to have a preparatory match for the World Cup with the Dominican brothers. We hope it becomes a tradition,” Ramos announced.

The general manager of the Puerto Rico national team, Carlos Arroyo, admitted that they still do not know which players will be available for the game with the Dominican Republic.

The Dominican Republic anticipated that it will attend the event with between 14 and 15 players, including captain Víctor Liz and Indiana Pacers player Chris Duarte.

Puerto Rico will debut in the FIBA ​​Men’s World Cup on August 26 against South Sudan. On the 28th it will collide with Serbia and on the 30th with China.

Brazil, Canada, the United States, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and Venezuela will be the representatives of America in the World Cup that will take place from August 25 to September 10 in Japan, the Philippines and Indonesia. EFE


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2023-05-03 22:26:45
#Puerto #Rico #play #friendly #Dominican #Republic #Basketball #World #Cup


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