Progetto Giovani Cantù: Uniweb tries but EA7 Milano wins the first act

Progetto Giovani Cantù: the first leg of the Under14 Elite regional final was played.

Progetto Giovani Cantù: Uniweb tries but EA7 Milano wins the first act

Nothing to do for the Under14 Elite team of the PGC which over the weekend had to surrender to EA7 Milano in the first leg of the regional final of the men’s category championship. the Brianza team directed by coach Matthew Castoldi he was forced to chase the Milan quintet from the first quarter trying to mend the disadvantage which, however, widened in the last quarter up to the final 68-88. Now the challenge will move to Assago where the second leg will be played on Saturday 27 May at 3.30 pm at the Sport Village with Uniweb called to overturn the -20 to try and win the Lombard title.

Match 1 scoresheet of the final UNIWEB CANTÙ -OLIMPIA MILANO 68-88

Partials: 11-22, 28-42, 52-62

Uniweb Cantù: Malano 29, Ventura 23, Pozzi 4, Moscatelli 8, Brenna 1, Andreoni 3, Castoldi, Sironi, Petruzzelli, Fossati, Ghezzi, Imperiali. Herd Alberio, Deputy Herd. Cipolletta.

2023-05-22 12:34:08
#Progetto #Giovani #Cantù #Uniweb #EA7 #Milano #wins #act


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