Pollen-free areas for allergy sufferers

Spring comes and, as a result, allergies come too, which the warm season inevitably brings with it because natural pollination in the plains will now be further favored by constantly growing temperatures. So if spring is the time for allergies, how can the chronic allergies help but suffer and maybe even be able to stay outdoors? Where can they go (on holiday) to escape pollen and allergies? In these certified ‘allergy-free’ places.

Where to go (on holiday) to escape pollen and allergies

Severe colds, general ailments, headaches, rhinitis, asthma, urticaria and conjunctivitis are commonplace symptoms in homes, offices and schools frequented by allergy sufferers. If thirty years ago people suffered only from poplars and only a couple of months, today there are hundreds of pathogens ready to strike from these days until late October (it is the flowering period of ragweed, the most debilitating in all of Pianura Padana): grasses, various plants and herbs, dust and pollen leave doctors little room for maneuver and often not even the most powerful antihistamines can do much.
In addition to the usual remedies against allergies, however, there is a solution – at least temporary but not chemical – to the problem, a palliative to have a few days of peace away from handkerchiefs: go on holiday!
The universal remedy obviously lies in going high in the mountains, where there are no plants and pollens that generate suffering and where the flowering period is shorter.

The Valle Lunga in South Tyrol

It is not necessary to go to the top of Everest to get relief. For example, in South Tyrol there is a place that is “certified” against any type of reaction to dust and pollen, a paradise where hypersensitive people flock from all over Europe: it is the Long Valleya still little-known side valley at the bottom of Val Venosta, right on the Italian-Austrian border, which brings together all the characteristics for a perfect stay: high altitude and a particularly windy ecosystem, as well as a stupendous alpine landscape, from the peaks to near Lake Resia, from the mountain pastures to the villages of Curon and San Valentino, with 200 kilometers of trails and three cable cars available (Alta Val Venosta Tourist Office: tel. 0473634603).

The area is continuously monitored by researchers and experts who check the asepticity of the air and water against dust and pollen. Many of the houses in the valley were built with modern bio-architecture criteria that generate well-being and guarantee hypoallergenic paints and linens. The calendar of the pollen situation is even provided in public places in the country.
What activities to practice? All of them, from cycling to hiking, from water sports to trail running and simple relaxing walks.

Credits: FlickrCC Roby Ferrari

Escape from pollen and allergies in South Tyrol on the Red Rooster farms

Il portal of the Red Roosterwhich catalogs the farms of South Tyrol, has a channel “farms for allergic people” which lists the ‘clean’ huts for rent also in other places in South Tyrol.
Any examples? The maso Krahbichlhof has organic crops for allergy sufferers; The maso Innerkapron also adds the possibility of participating in the preparation of bread, and the maso Rieglhof to that of cheeses. There are also farms for cyclists, hikers, horse riders and the disabled.

Masi South Tyrol Allergies Pollen

It is not enough? Undoubtedly, South Tyrol is the most organized region to welcome allergy sufferers: on the other side of the region, in Val Aurina in Predoithe first and only specialized place in Italy for allergy sufferers was opened, the Predoi Climatic Centre (tel. 0474654523). In absolute silence, in a sort of mystical tranquillity, a small train takes you inside the tunnels of an old abandoned mine where scientists have found a constant microclimate at low temperatures (9° with over 95% humidity) such for where the air that flows there is the purest found in nature. In these caves the pollen level is 1000 to 1500 times lower than in the open air! Will it be a bit like practicing speleology? (Valli di Tures and Aurina Tourist Consortium: tel. 0474652081).

In Val Aurina there is even a specialized hotel consortium which has an agreement with the local therapeutic centre. Are the Respiration Health Hotel: one for all, theAlpin Royal Wellness Refugium & Resort (tel. 0474651070) is a four-star superior hotel in San Giovanni in Valle Aurina, with numerous wellness packages that alternate with excursions in the high mountains.

On Lake Misurina

L’Pius XII Institute (tel. 043539008) rises on Lake Misurina, above Cortina at 1756 meters above sea level, and occupies the ancient headquarters of the Gran Hotel Savoy, the summer residence of the Italian royal family. It is one of the best centers for the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of infantile asthma: the high altitude, the very low humidity, the abundance of ultraviolet radiation and the ionisation of the air are fundamental conditions for the treatment of respiratory pathology and allow to reduce need for drug treatment, also improving the immune system.

Predoi Pollini Allergy Climatic Center

The children are initiated, under medical supervision, into various sports activities, recovering their physical condition and allowing them a quality of life similar to that of healthy peers.

At the Alpe di Siusi

Il Tirler Dolomites Living Hotel (tel 0471727927) is a 4-star superior hotel at 1752 meters on the Alpe di Siusi, certified as the first hotel in Italy with the seal of guarantee ECARF – European Center of Allergical Research Foundation, for adaptation to people suffering from allergies. A unique project, developed in collaboration with several university institutes, whose biological concept makes it the ideal place for full-fledged holidays.

Tirler Hotel Pollini Allergies ECARF Certification

The best time to come here in the midst of the wonder of the Dolomites, at the start of suggestive paths and MTB routes, is the months of May and June, when the annoyance increases in the city at low altitudes. The anti-allergy system is also reflected in the restaurant, whose five-course menu respects food incompatibilities. There is also an endless array of different pillows, latex mattresses that repel mites, hypoallergenic furnishings and fabrics, and special air conditioning filters.
Credits: Tirler


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2023-05-04 07:21:28
#Pollenfree #areas #allergy #sufferers


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