Plancher-les-Mines. 260 schoolchildren from Haut-Saône take on the Planche des Belles Filles

Orienteering, archery, land art and cycling: this is the program that awaited 260 students from all over Haute-Saône, this Friday, at the Planche des Belles Filles, as part of the event “The Bike Board”.

12:30 | updated at 12:27

This Friday, May 26, as part of the “La Planche à vélo”, 260 schoolchildren set off to attack the Planche des Belles Filles. Workshops had been set up: orienteering, archery, land art and of course cycling. It was a physically intense day for the children.

“May this event become a tradition”

Philippe Destable, academic director of the National Education Services of Haute-Saône, came on site to talk with the students and greet the teaching teams. “It’s a first: the objective is for this event to become a tradition,” he said. “We value today the heritage of the department, a natural and sporting heritage. »

Philippe Destable, academic director of the national education services of Haute-Saône, came on site to talk with the students.

The “Planche à vélo” is also an opportunity to promote the Planche des Belles Filles.

This first “Planche à vélo” saw the summit of the Planche des Belles Filles invaded by more than 260 cycle 3 students from all over Haute-Saône.

A discovery for some

“That the children of Haute-Saône discover this emblematic site of cycling is gratifying”, he notes. It is true that young people from Soing or Noroy-le-Bourg confessed to discovering the highest point of the department.

Well-being, physical activity and ecological transition

The objectives of this day were well-being, physical activity and ecological transition. Pascaline Martin-Mariot, departmental pedagogical adviser in EPS, included the project in the official system “Le Savoir Rouler à Vélo” and in the National Week of Walking and Nature.

A call for more bikes next year

The organizers have admitted to running out of bicycles, having only a few hundred (some of which are loaned by the communities of municipalities of Lure and Luxeuil): they are calling for the next edition to be able to accommodate more children thanks to to a larger stock of bicycles.

As for the schoolchildren, they spent a beautiful day in nature with, icing on the cake, the help of a beautiful sun and an azure sky.

Partners and management

This first “Bike board” took place thanks to the USEP, the Departmental Cycling Committee, the Ballons des Vosges Regional Natural Park, 5th grade students and teachers from the sport and nature section of Jean-Macé College and of course to the teachers of the classes concerned.

2023-05-26 10:30:00
#PlancherlesMines #schoolchildren #HautSaône #Planche #des #Belles #Filles


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