Piacenza Baseball away in Parma against Junior to move up the standings

After last Sunday’s forced stop due to bad weather, Piacenza Baseball are preparing to face the away match in Parma which will see them face off against Junior on Sunday 21st. The weather remains unknown but Marenghi’s boys will still have to be ready to try and recover positions in the standings, despite the rain having limited their training possibilities a bit, at least by changing the team’s habits in weekly preparation. The Junior started with the handbrake on but in the last few days he is showing signs of acceleration, thanks to the adjustment of the defense and above all the state of form of the young pitcher Montanari, capable in the last two starts, of completely silencing the lines. up of Fossano first and then of the leaders Milan. Piacenza can no longer afford missteps if it wants to keep pace in the standings, which, although very short, are highlighting Milan and Catalana as the main actresses of this first month of the regular season.

Junior Pr-Piacenza; Cabs Seveso-Catalan Alghero; Ares MI-Avigliana; Milan-Fossano

Milano 8v 2p; Catalana Alghero 7v 3p; Ares MI e Avigliana 5v 5p; Piacenza 4v 4p; CABS Seveso 3v 5p; Fossano 3v 7p; Junior PR 3v 7p.

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2023-05-20 10:50:08
#Piacenza #Baseball #Parma #Junior #move #standings


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