Dánica Nishimura, Daniela Macías and Daniel La Torre won medals for Peru in the VIII Mexican Championship 2017, an international tournament held in the city of Aguascalientes with the participation of more than 80 badminton players from, in addition to the host country, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Cuba, the United States, Guatemala, Guyana, India, Italy, Jamaica, Peru, Portugal, the Dominican Republic, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago.
The last day of the Mexican International began with the double ladies final, where Daniela Macías and Dánica Nishimura beat the Americans Ariel and Sydney Lee in straight sets in 18 minutes of play, thus obtaining the gold medal of the modality.
In mixed doubles, Daniel La Torre and Dánica Nishimura were crowned champions of the tournament after beating Cuba’s Leodannis Martínez and Tahimara Oropeza 21-19 in both sets after 30 minutes of play.
For her part, Daniela Macías won the bronze medal in the ladies’ singles event after beating Vanessa Villalobos (MEX) and Katherine Wynter (JAM) and losing to the American Isabel Zhong in the semifinal stage.
On the other hand, the national team, made up of Daniel La Torre, Daniela Macías, José Guevara and Dánica Nishimura, will leave for Guatemala to participate in the 2017 Herbalife International Series to be held from September 26 to 30.
Our athletes, thanks to the support of the Peruvian Sports Institute (IPD), continue to prepare with a view to future continental tournaments such as the Bolivarian Games in Santa Martha and on the way to the Pan American Games in Lima 2019.

Source: Badminton Federation press

2023-05-06 12:39:44


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