Persebaya Tests the Sidoarjo Porprov Team Before Facing Bali United, Here’s the Result – Persebaya Surabaya held joint training with the Porprov Sidoarjo team. The match took place at the ABC Field, Gelora Bung Tomo Stadium Complex, Surabaya, Wednesday (24/05/2023).

As a result, Persebaya was able to defeat the Porprov Sidoarjo team with a score of 2-0. Goals were scored by Kasim Botan and Sho Yamamoto.

According to Persebaya coach, Aji Santoso, the joint training was to find out the team’s progress after practicing for about 2 weeks. At the same time looking for a composition for a friendly match against Bali United.

“Just want to see, the kids have never practiced together, are also looking for a rather suitable composition to fight Bali later,” said Aji Santoso.

Persebaya will test Bali United in a match titled 730 Games, this coming Sunday, May 28. The match will be held at Gelora Bung Tomo Stadium, Surabaya.

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As you wish

Persebaya Surabaya coach, Aji Santoso (c) Doc. PersebayaSurabaya

Aji Santoso also wants to see the development of the adaptation of the new Persebaya players. Especially the way of playing that the tactician from Malang wants.

“The children also look like their bodies are still stiff because yesterday we also had physical training, hard training, so in my opinion it’s still normal,” explained Aji.

“But I see a fighting spirit, the touches have begun to lead the way I want,” said the former Persela Lamongan coach.

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Need Time

That is, slowly they can adapt to Persebaya’s playing style. However, they still need time to settle down with the team.

“They’ve been trying to adapt, I also asked the new players, they enjoy it, they are very happy with the way Persebaya trains,” he continued.

“But what is clear is that we are still new, so we need time to adapt, especially not everything is complete yet,” he said.

( El Abdy)


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