OL wants to blindside Castello Lukeba

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Considered one of the most promising defenders in his position in Ligue 1, Castello Lukeba is inevitably popular on the market. OL, in the midst of change since the ousting of Jean-Michel Aulas at its head and the major upheavals announced by John Textor, does not want to part with its executives. Nevertheless, the Rhone club remains open to offers concerning some of its players whose market value could allow them to achieve a good financial deal, especially since the club needs money to meet the requirements of the DNCG.

In these attractive players, we logically find Castello Lukeba. Nevertheless, according to our information, the Lyon board would like to see him stay and have submitted an extension offer to their young 20-year-old defender. Author of 34 matches this season in all competitions, the player trained at the club is irremovable in the eyes of the Rhone leaders and represents the future of the seven-time champions of France and according to some, of the French team.

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OL have offered an extension offer

In addition, the possibility of seeing Castello Lukeba embody the future generation of OL and follow in the footsteps of current executives like Alexandre Lacazette or Corentin Tolisso is a tempting opportunity for the Lyon leaders. A new vintage which also wishes to bring the current seventh in Ligue 1 to the fore in the coming years as we announced to you recently. Adored by the public, extending the native of Lyon would be a real tour de force on the part of the latter.

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At the end of the contract in June 2025, the international Espoirs (6 selections) could also see his rating climb even more with an extension. His future could also be conditional on qualifying for the Europa League Conference next summer. As a reminder, the Gones are currently seventh in Ligue 1 and are only 3 units behind Lille, fifth. Without a European ticket, it will be more complicated to attract high-level players between Rhône and Saône during the summer transfer window and, if necessary, to keep their defensive rock…

Pub. the 12/05/2023 23:16
MAY laugh 12/05/2023 23:19

2023-05-12 21:16:18
#blindside #Castello #Lukeba


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