– Calenberger Online News: 50 years of judo at TSV Barsinghausen

In 1975, Wolfgang Fischer took over the management of the division. Rather by accident, he found out about an empty former cinema in Barsinghäuser Schützenstraße near his home and sensed the opportunity to set up his own judo dojo there for training. Thanks to a few sponsors and with a lot of personal work, the members were able to convert the former film venue into a training room with a large mat area and attached sanitary facilities within half a year. At the beginning of 1977 the first training took place in the new dojo. The advantage was that the mats no longer had to be set up and taken down before and after each training session and the division was now able to offer significantly more training times than before. This was also noticeable in the increasing number of members.

There were also sporting successes: in 1980 the men’s team rose from the district league to the upper league. Wolfgang Fischer also managed to get the base training to Barsinghausen for several years, which was led by the state coach Mihail Donciu, who was awarded the 8th Dan in 2002. The Barsinghausen judoka also benefited from Donciu’s great experience and his great knowledge of judo. With a brief interruption, Wolfgang Fischer remained the head of the division until 1989 and that year also organized the division’s move to the small gymnastics hall in the KGS Goethe School when, after the death of the dojo landlord, the heirs increased the rent by a factor of 7, which made the division financially would have overwhelmed. Since then, the judoka have been training in the KGS and now also with individual groups in the TSV’s own sports hall at the REWE sports park. It is also worth mentioning that several later competitively successful judoka started their sport in Barsinghausen, such as Stefan Freudenberg, who in 1987, 1988 and 1994 achieved third place for the Hanover Judo Team at the German Championships, and even second place in 1989.

After Klaus Lehnhoff as division manager, Manfred Kuhn took over the office from 2000, from 2015 Jan Sievers, during whose term of office the introduction of new offers such as parent-child judo or G-Judo (for people with disabilities) also falls. For G-Judo, there is also a trainer in the division with Claudia Thieme, who, after special training, is the owner of the corresponding trainer license. Claudia Thieme and Jan Sievers are also the main players in the division’s intensive youth work. In addition to several age-appropriate training groups, trips and children’s and youth camps are organized every year. This is now also noticeable in the increasing number of members after the division had survived the Corona years well. Since 2016, the division has also offered the martial art of Aikido, for which Alberto Padin is the main trainer.

Newcomers and returnees are always welcome. In addition to fitness exercises and gymnastics, the focus of training is primarily on improving movement coordination in order to be able to carry out the numerous techniques. Further information can be found online at

. Questions can be sent to the division manager Jan Sievers at the e-mail address [email protected] be judged.

2023-05-30 07:22:44 #Calenberger #Online #News #years #judo #TSV #Barsinghausen


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