More than 600 kilometers away from home Leimen

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Created: 05/13/2023, 5:00 a.m

Von: Alexander Kaindl


Boris Becker has found a new home. The German tennis icon now lives in Italy with his girlfriend Lilian.

Hamburg – It was the worst time of his life, as Boris Becker has emphasized again and again in recent months. Now, almost exactly a year after his imprisonment, the German tennis icon is free again – and building a new life.

Born:November 22, 1967 (Age: 55 years old), Leimen
Greatest tennis achievements:Wimbledon (3), Australian Open (2), US Open (1)

Boris Becker is free again: the German tennis icon was released early

The three-time Wimbledon champion was sentenced to two and a half years in prison in April 2022 for several offenses in his bankruptcy proceedings. Since then he has been in prison near London. Shortly before Christmas 2022, Becker finally benefited from a procedure intended to relieve the pressure on the overcrowded British prisons and was released much earlier. Ultimately, he was behind bars for 231 days.

Immediately after his release, Becker started again, there were interviews and TV documentaries. In it he repeatedly regretted his mistakes and talked about the hardest game of his life. Always by his side: partner Lilian de Carvalho Monteiro. Becker now lives with her in Italy, as he confirmed on Wednesday during a lecture at the OMR digital festival in Hamburg.

Boris Becker confirms new place of residence abroad: over 600 kilometers from his home in Leimen

“There is a lot of speculation going on in public. Where is he? Does he sleep with friends? No, I moved to Italy,” he said. Previously had already Bild reported that Becker lives in Milan with his partner Lilian, who also accompanied him to the trade fair.

His girlfriend is Italian, she wanted to live back home, Becker continued. “My mother used to say the clever phrase ‘Happy Wife, Happy Life’ and I must have misunderstood it all these years,” said Becker with a laugh. He now wants to do better. For Becker, it is now just over 600 kilometers from Milan to his birthplace of Leimen in Baden-Württemberg.

Eventful week for Boris Becker and his partner Lilian de Carvalho Monteiro: on Monday they were guests in Paris, on Wednesday in Hamburg. © PanoramiC / Imago

Boris Becker: Dolce Vita statt Fish and Chips

Becker had lived in his adopted home of Great Britain until his conviction and is considered an absolute fan of the island. There is currently no way back, there is still an entry ban for the tennis hero. Then Italy – Dolce Vita instead of fish and chips. And AC or Inter Milan instead of Chelsea, Arsenal or West Ham United. Becker is a big football fan and should also be able to experience exciting stadium visits in Lombardy. The two big Milan clubs are currently facing each other in the Champions League semifinals.

Becker had already indicated a future abroad in a major TV appearance on Sat.1 a few days after his release. In Hamburg he spoke again about his seven-month stay in prison. “Prison was my worst defeat, which I don’t wish on my worst enemy, but I survived that too,” he said.

Boris Becker sees himself “on the right track” after private bankruptcy

In the meantime, he is “strongly looking ahead”, according to the three-time Wimbledon winner. He also criticized the way the media dealt with his person. “It’s a phenomenon that third parties always talk about me, but I don’t get a chance to speak for myself,” said Becker. He was also confident that he would soon be able to put his private bankruptcy behind him. “We’re on the right track there. And it’s not just up to me, but also to the insolvency administrator, where we meet, what’s still outstanding.” But it’s manageable and he hopes to be able to publish good news in this regard soon.

He has ways and opportunities to shape his life financially, said Becker, emphasizing: “I’m out of the woods.” His partners also stood by him during his months in prison. “And they are now waiting for me to go back to the Bütt. Whether it’s the television stations or the sponsors.” From May 22nd, Becker wants to report on the French Open again as a TV expert for Eurosport.

Boris Becker before comeback at the German Tennis Association?

The former Davis Cup team boss Becker also spoke about a possible return to the German Tennis Association (DTB) with OMR managing director Philipp Westermeyer at the end of the digital festival: “The association wants me to play a role again. The question is: do I want that? Can I do that?” said Becker. He also brought in former Wimbledon champions Steffi Graf and Michael Stich. “If the three of us could play a role, then the chance of winning is simply higher than if I did it alone,” says Becker. (akl/dpa/sid)

2023-05-13 03:00:00
#kilometers #home #Leimen


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