Modena-Bari: the Biris, the Mollo and dreams of glory

Modena and Bari, two teams with two different objectives, meet at the “Braglia” both obviously willing and determined to achieve them, given that the championship is now in its final stages. For Modena, the idea is to reach safety and end any discussion or always dangerous calculation in advance, while for Bari probably all that remains is to consolidate their position in the best possible way in view of the playoffs. In fact, after an honorable and long chase against Genoa second in the standings, the last place available for direct promotion to Serie A, the easier home match of the Ligurians at home against Ascoli could be worth the mathematical promotion for them.

It is played at 14.00 with the heat that reigns but with the fans who still prefer the stadium to the first trips to the sea, as demonstrated by the almost 14,000 spectators who came and returned a nice glance. Crowded curves as well as the grandstand while the distincts are a little less full. In the “Montagnani” house a long banner in Spanish greets i biris north of Sevilla also present today to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of this historic twinning.

Speaking of banners, a banner was also displayed to commemorate “Mollo”, born Marcello Molinari, a fan of the canaries who recently passed away, in whose memory the yellow and blue team also lays a bouquet of flowers.

The lighting of some yellow and blue smoke bombs marks the beginning of hostilities on the pitch, while noisy cheering throughout the ninety minutes always accompanied by the waving of flags characterizes the rest of the match. Some smoke bombs color the home sector in an impromptu way while, at the end of the match, there is a big party between fans and team who huddle in an ideal embrace for the salvation achieved two days in advance, an objective not taken for granted for a newly promoted player who, moreover, , especially at the beginning, paid a certain price in terms of experience but then knew how to take measures and get out of it in the long run.

The away sector is also packed, where the adjacent portion is also opened to better accommodate the more than 3,200 Bari fans, while many others will find places in other parts of the stadium. THE Follow us they arrive almost at the same time as the kick-off with those present already charged and intent on singing, albeit in a spontaneous and poorly coordinated way. The arrival on the balustrade of the choir throwers, megaphones in hand, adds not only greater homogeneity and organization to the cheering but also conviction and power. Impressive the various clapping with which they manage to involve almost the whole sector and some choirs of an impressive force to say the least. The epilogue for them was less happy, with the final 1-1 draw which, in parallel with Genoa’s victory, meant the final farewell to dreams of direct promotion. Not bad, neither fans nor team can reproach themselves for anything in this positive season as it hasn’t happened in the Apulian capital for some time, then there is still time to dream and the desire of the Bari square to believe, can also be measured by the chants that continue for a few minutes after the end of the games.

Luigi Bisio

2023-05-10 11:14:21
#ModenaBari #Biris #Mollo #dreams #glory


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